Video Built the Internet Star; Prepare for Your Closeup.

Posted on Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It’s echoed around the globe a million times a day: “Did you see that video on ….” And yet you’ve only mustered a quick YouTube channel, a few iPhone videos of the factory, and maybe an interview with your QA guy, Bob. What’s up with that? Yes, good professional video marketing is hard. But so was learning to ride a bike at first. So get ready for your close-ups.

Capture your story

Commitment is a running theme throughout our blog?and I’m beginning to feel like I sound like a life coach?but it really is the key to online video marketing success. Like everything else, it’s important to not let excuses of time and resources let you kill a golden goose. In this case, the goose that lays a golden opportunity to create an engaging modern brand and dramatically improve your organic search engine optimization (SEO) results.

As expressed in this report compiled by the Content Marketing Institute “…of all content included in Google’s general search listings, video appeared most frequently, being displayed in over 70 percent of search results.” Now I could go on and on about the additional merits of video but it’s simpler to just tell you another hard truth: your customers are bored with yours’ and everyone else’s brochure-ware/catalog website and they have the attention span of a nymph. On average, visitors click on 3-5 pages of a B2B website for 1-3 minutes total. It’s time to capture your stories and let people sit back and enjoy the show.

The tools for success

Wouldn’t you like to sit back yourself right now? Take a minute and watch these two videos we produced for High Speed Interconnects. First is a corporate video and the other is a technical achievement video communicating their cable’s incredible phase stability. After a week or so of scripting, a couple days of shooting, and then a few days of editing back at our studio, we were able to produce a suite of videos including this corporate brand story and 3 additional short technical capability overview videos.

Optionally, you might consider a multimedia video like this one we did for ourselves communicating the 101 on what a responsive website design is. But whatever you decide, make sure you plan accordingly. A good script and production outline completed and approved in advance are critical for ensuring you get the footage you need to get back in the studio to piece together the exact story you had in mind. And if you plan to be on camera, please memorize your lines. You’ll avoid that weird look you get as you try to read a teleprompter without looking too obvious. Because unless you used to be a Late Show host, you will.

Hollywood boulevard awaits. Don’t forget the makeup.

Ready to light things up?

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